Pardon My Dust, I’m a Work in Progress

As you can see I’m in the process of creating.  What you currently see is me creating my new blog, but what is really transpiring is I am in the process of creating myself.  That is something that is constantly changing and often not something that can be seen from the outside, which is why I’ve chosen to take this path to share the journey and the things that cannot be seen with the eye.  I’m working on sharing a journey that leads us to share things that can’t always be visible, but most often can be felt by touching and connecting with that which lies at the core of all of us, our soul.  I hope that through this endeavor I gain strength while inspiring others to be their best selves, cause even when we are a work in progress we are still a masterpiece, as we are in the here and now.

Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman

Why have I chosen to go this route and share my journey with you?  Well, to be honest, it started with inspiration from a company that I knew nothing about, from people I had not yet me, and from research I had already done.  When these things came together in my life in an almost divine way, I felt inspired to share my journey and who I am striving to be.  We are not perfect, but we are all in this together and I hope that will help others find grace – grace for themselves and grace for others.

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